Welcome to venz.str

The place to find the best products for every taste and occasion...

Elevate, sweat, conquer.

Embrace the journey of becoming stronger, fitter, and happier.

extraordinary with gadgets

Embrace innovation, empower your life.


We at Venz.STR believe in high quality and exceptional customer service. But most importantly, we believe shopping is a right, not a luxury, so we strive to deliver the best products at the most affordable prices, and ship them to you regardless of where you are located.


Men's Fashion Casual Fleece Shoes

Elevate your style effortlessly with our men's fashion fleece shoes. Comfort meets sophistication in every step.

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Limited time

Flawless skin with natural ingredients

Elevate your beauty routine to an art form with our exquisite makeup collection. Unleash your inner glow and captivate the world with every brushstroke.
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Automatic Water Dispenser

Introducing the ultimate hydration solution for your beloved pets.
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Bamboo Wooden Watch
Bamboo Wooden Watch
Bamboo Wooden Watch
Bamboo Wooden Watch
Bamboo Wooden Watch
Bamboo Wooden Watch

Bamboo Wooden Watch

Regular price$37.19
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